Toasting the recovery of the Tohoku Sake Industry

Seminar at Japan House for the 11th anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake

11th March 2022  at Japan House London

UK Sake Samurai representative Rie Yoshitake was invited to present the success stories of Tohoku sake makers to mark the 11th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and with Asami Tasaka from World Sake Imports, online lecture and tasting with audience were live-streamed to Japan and other countries.

Rie introduced sake makers from Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima prefectures who strived in the adversities with a particular importance to mention that they had not only revived these businesses but were now leading the current sake industry, providing great hope to the Tohoku area and beyond.  Mr Iwao Nizawa from Niizawa Shuzo in Miyagi,  Mr Kosuke Kuji from Nanbubijin Shuzo in Iwate and Mr Yauemon Sato from Yamatogawa Shuzo in Fukushima participated on the video to explain their passage of recovery over 10 years.

In the second part, Asami talked about three sake variants from those three regions and shared opinions with the audience.  It goes without saying that people made a toast to the resilience, full recovery and great future in Tohoku.